Create Barricade Graphics For Your Store Remodel
As a store owner, you have all kinds of responsibilities, from making sure the shelves are stocked to ensuring that customers have access to the products they need. If you own a location in a shopping mall, then you need to be sure that your store has a good layout that allows for the flow of foot traffic that brings in both the casual and the serious shopper.
You might be a part of a chain or franchise that stipulates what the store layout should be, or you may be a sole proprietor who has created your own layout. Whatever the case may be, should you be undertaking a store remodel, Binick Imaging in Miami can help you design the perfect barricade and hoarding graphics.
Let People Know What’s Going On
If you’re an established brand within a popular mall, then it’s important to plan for the shutdown that will take place as you remodel. People who love shopping at your store may be a bit frustrated that they can’t access their favorite products, and this is where your barricade graphics come in handy. You can let your loyal customers know what’s going on, and how long you’ll be closed. Even if it’s just for a week or two, putting up a hoarding graphic can keep people informed of your progress.
Keep Everything Behind the Scenes
Perhaps you’re getting ready to reveal an amazing new line of products, and you want to make sure everything is in order before you let people come in and buy them. You can build anticipation and interest with barricade signs that tease what you’ll be offering. You can add text and images that provide an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes, without telling or revealing too much.
The mall which you’re in will also want you to keep the construction and remodeling process shielded from view. The management wants the mall to appear clean and inviting, and sawdust and noise can be very distracting to those doing some weekend shopping. You may also be dealing with construction materials and debris that need to be kept away from the central mall area, and the barricade acts as a buffer between your store and the mall concourse. However, instead of just a blank wall or panels, you can have vibrant graphics that retain the look and appeal of your storefront.
Get Started Today
If you’re starting a store remodel in the near future, then contact Binick today to discuss your hoarding graphic options. The mall may have certain stipulations as to what you can put up, or what they want the graphics to look like, and we’ll work with you to create the perfect design. We offer 24- to 48-hour printing on all barricade graphics, so if you need them to go up quickly, we’ll get them printed and installed in a timely manner. With the right design and placement, people will know what’s going on, when you’ll be finished, and when they can visit your store once again.